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Before learning more about using the Washington Group Questions in humanitarian action it is important to reflect on how to access data on persons with disabilities. Depending on the context, data may (or may not) be available to use, and additional data collections will be informed by this. Take the following flow chart to see when you need to collect data, and if the WGQs are the right set of questions for you.
Where are you in the Humanitarian Programme Cycle?
Select each of the boxes below to find out more.
Depending on your context, the following are examples of sources that may contain data on persons with disabilities.
National census data
Demographic and health survey data
Multiple Indicator
Cluster report
National information systems
Depending on your context, the following are examples of sources that may contain data on persons with disabilities.
Humanitarian Needs Overview Preliminary response plan
Depending on your context, the following are examples of sources that may contain data on persons with disabilities.
Periodic monitoring reports
Situation reports
Donor reports
Depending on your context, the following are examples of sources that may contain data on persons with disabilities.
Real-time evaluations
Inter-agency evaluations
Attention point: (2) When using data collected externally, take care to understand how the data was collected, using what questions and severity cut-off as this will impact the comparability of the data.
Attention point: (1) No matter what situation may have existed pre-crisis, there will be changes as a result of the disaster or conflict, requiring initial assessments from as soon as it is feasible.
Didn't find the data you were looking for? It isn't reliable? Pop back up to the start and now select that there is no data available.
Can you collect new data on persons with disabilities?
I can't collect new data:
It is sometimes not possible to collect new data. Don't fret - check out the following steps to see how you can take action.
Where data cannot be collected, due to the urgency or limited time available, the earliest actions should be designed from the outset in an accessible way (Universial design) so as not to create barriers for people with disabilities.
Link with local key informants such as Organisations for People with Disabilities (DPOs) for more information.
Monitor against global disability estimates to detect under-representation among certain groups.
I can collect new data:
When collecting new data, consider the following elements: What type of data do you want to collect?
Select each of the boxes below to find out more.
This type of data is difficult to collect with non-specialised staff and tests. The WGQs cannot be used to collect this type of data.
Different tools and questions exist, but no standardized approach is available yet, limiting comparability.
The Washington Group Questions are a validated and endorsed tool developed to collect data on the functional difficulities of a person.
So now you know that you can use the Washington Group Questions, let's plan for their use in your selected programme.
What is your objective for collecting this data?
Designing project activities
For example, when designing project activities, you can use the WGQs to:
Monitoring and evaluating activities
For example, when monitoring and evaluating activities, you can use the WGQs to:
I don't know
It may be too early to know, but do reflect again on if the Washington Group Questions are the right questions for you?
Would you like to go on to see what question set you should use? If yes, select from the following the characteristics of your data collection
Select each of the boxes below to find out more.
Consider the Short Set of Questions
Consider asking the Child Functioning Module to those under 18 years old
Consider the enhanced short set of questions
Consider the extended set of questions
Now you know when to use the WGQs, and what set of questions to use we hope that many of your questions have been answered.
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