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Cookies policy

How we use cookies on this website

Your cookies preferences

You can manage your cookie preferences on this website at any time by clicking on the ‘Manage cookies’ button.

Notification of change of Cookies policy

We reserve the right to amend this Cookies policy from time to time. Please visit this website section periodically in order to keep up to date with the changes in our Privacy policy.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are often automatically downloaded by your computer or mobile phone when you browse websites. We use cookies to help us improve our website, by telling us, for example, what pages people spend the most time on, or how many people view the site on a mobile phone or desktop computer. Cookies cannot be used by themselves to directly identify you.

For more information about cookies, visit, and

Do we use ‘cookies’ on our website?

Yes. Our website uses cookies, as almost all websites do, to improve your experience on our website and ensure that our advertising is as effective and efficient as possible. You can choose which cookies you allow by clicking on the ‘Manage cookies’ button at the top of this page.

How do we use cookies?

Our cookies help us:

  • Make our website work as you'd expect
  • Remember your settings during and between visits
  • Improve the speed and security of the site
  • Allow you to share pages with social networks like Facebook
  • Continuously improve our website for you
  • Make our marketing more efficient

We do not use cookies to:

  • Collect any personally identifiable information (without your express permission)
  • Collect any sensitive information (without your express permission)
  • Pass personally identifiable data to third parties
  • Pay sales commissions

Granting us permission to use cookies

By using our website, our social media pages (such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram), subscribing to our services, donating to us and/or shopping online you agree that, unless you have chosen to disable specific categories of cookies in our website preference centre or set your computer's browser to reject cookies, we can place the types of cookies set out below on your device and use that data in accordance with our Cookies and Privacy policies.

How to control and delete cookies

Some cookies we use are necessary for our website to function correctly, but for all other cookies you can choose whether you allow them to be placed on your device or not.

When you first visit our website, all cookies will be enabled by default and a message will appear giving you the option to allow all cookies or to manage your cookie preferences.

The cookies we use can be grouped into the following four categories: Strictly Necessary, Performance, Functional, and Advertising.

Because we respect your right to privacy, you can disable all categories of cookies in the cookies preference centre, apart from Strictly Necessary cookies —those that are required for the website to correctly.

Cookies List

The cookies we use on our website are listed below. You can manage your cookie preferences at any time by clicking on the ‘Manage cookies’ button at the top of this page.

Page last updated: September 2022