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Since its creation, HI has received many awards for its work, including the Nobel Peace Prize. Find out more about some of our most prestigious awards.

Hab Chorn, 53, lost his leg to a landmine in 1984. HI fitted him with a prosthesis and supported him to regain his independence. Today he works growing lotus flowers and is an active member of his community.

© Eric Martin/Figaro Magazine/HI

Hilton Humanitarian Prize

HI was awarded the 2011 Hilton Humanitarian Prize in recognition of almost 30 years of humanitarian action.

The largest humanitarian award in the world at $1.5 million, the prize is presented annually by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation to a humanitarian organisation doing extraordinary work to alleviate human suffering.

HI founder Jean-Baptiste Richardier (right) receiving the 2011 Hilton Humanitiarian Prize.
HI founder Jean-Baptiste Richardier (right) receiving the 2011 Hilton Humanitiarian Prize. | © Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

Nobel Peace Prize

HI was a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 as a founding member of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines which led to the signing of the Mine Ban Treaty.

Today, we continue the fight against landmines and other explosive weapons which indiscriminately kill and injure civilians.

The International Campaign against Landmines receiving the Nobel Peace Price, Oslo, December 1997 | © ICBL
The International Campaign against Landmines receiving the Nobel Peace Price, Oslo, December 1997 | © ICBL

Nansen Refugee Award

HI received the Nansen Refugee Award in 1996 for our work with refugees and victims of landmines.

Instituted in 1954, the Nansen Refugee Award is given annually to an individual or an organization in recognition of extraordinary and dedicated service to refugees and is the most prestigious honour conferred by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mrs. Sadako Ogata, presents the Nansen Refugee Award at a ceremony at the Palais des Nations in Geneva to Dr. Jean-Baptiste Richardier, co-director and co-founder of Humanity & Inclusion, and Patrick Segal, its vice president. © A. Hollmann / UNHCR
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mrs. Sadako Ogata, presenting the  1996 Nansen Refugee Award to Dr. Jean-Baptiste Richardier, co-founder of HI, and Patrick Segal, its vice president. | © A. Hollmann / UNHCR

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Our mission
© C. Billet /Hamsa Press/HI

Our mission

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent charity working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work tirelessly alongside disabled and vulnerable people to help meet their basic needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Worldwide impact
© William Daniels/HI

Worldwide impact

Humanity & Inclusion's global impact in figures.

The amazing people we support
© Eric Martin/Figaro/HI

The amazing people we support

Inspirational stories from people around the world whose lives have changed thanks to support from Humanity & Inclusion's donors.