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Stop Bombing Civilians: Email your MP

Humanity & Inclusion is taking the Stop Bombing Civilians campaign to the UK Parliament. We know that your voice has made a difference in the past and we need your support now. Please take action by emailing your MP.

Nada, 10, lost her leg and was badly injured in the chest and face in a bombing in Mosul in April 2017.

© Peter Biro/HI

After years of petitioning and pressure from around the world, and a year’s delay in the diplomatic process due to Covid-19, States are meeting in 2021 to discuss an international agreement to protect civilians from the impact of explosive weapons.

If you are ever going to call on the UK Government to act, now is the time. The impact of Covid-19 on people living in areas of conflict and those who have been displaced from their homes, highlight how vital it is that action must be taken. You will be helping to save lives.

How to email your MP

If you live in the UK, you can email your MP in 4 easy steps:

  1. Enter your postcode in the box below to find your MP and send them a message via
  2. Use the key points suggested below and make them your own. An original letter sent by one passionate constituent is far more powerful than many identical messages. Messages that are copy and pasted will be blocked by WriteToThem!
  3. Send your message using WriteToThem, then check your email and click to confirm that you want your message to be sent.
  4. Please let us know if you hear back from your MP, especially if we can attend any meetings or give additional support and information.
Email your MP
Enter your UK postcode to find your MP:


What to include in your message

Need some help? Here are some guidelines to help you write an effective message to your MP.

  • Please be polite and concise.
  • Introduce yourself as a constituent. Many MPs will only respond to emails from their constituents so you could say what street you live on.
  • Explain that you are writing about Humanity & Inclusion’s Stop Bombing Civilians campaign, which is calling on the UK and all States worldwide to better protect civilians from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.

Key points to make

  • Modern wars are increasingly taking place in populated areas. Parties to conflicts use explosive weapons such as bombs, missiles, and rockets on a massive scale.
  • The use of explosive weapons in populated areas is devastating. For the last decade, 90% of the victims of these weapons have been civilians in conflict areas such as Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. Entire cities are destroyed, leaving survivors in desolation. More than 11,056 civilians were killed or injured by explosive weapons in 2020.
  • With major international discussions continuing in the coming months, now is an historic moment to take action. Following an international conference on the protection of civilians in urban warfare in 2019, negotiations between States have been taking place to draft an agreement. After a break due to Covid-19, the process continues. MPs still have the opportunity to enter into discussions at this very important time.
  • Together, we must convince governments to draft, adopt, and implement a strong international commitment to end the use of explosive weapons with wide area effects in populated areas, and to provide non-discriminatory assistance to the victims, both as individuals and communities.
  • We ask you to call on the UK Government to actively support this diplomatic process against the use of explosive weapons in populated areas. The UK government has has been present at the negotiations so far. Pressure must be maintained to ensure that a strongly worded agreement, including the points above, is agreed to. The UK has recognised that there are humanitarian concerns over the use of explosive weapons in populated areas but it can and should increase its efforts to protect civilians. 

What else can MPs do?

  • Endorse the International Parliamentary Appeal to protect civilians. This is an initiative launched by the International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW) and supported by Humanity & Inclusion (HI).
  • Meet you to discuss the issue and what they can do, either at one of their Constituency Surgeries or in Parliament with a representative from Humanity & Inclusion. MPs can contact [email protected] for more information.
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Contact us for support

If you have any questions please email us at [email protected].

Once you send your message, please let us know that you have contacted your MP and who your MP is. And don't forget to let us know if you receive a response!

Thank you.