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Report launch and panel: Explosive Weapons Monitor, the first global report documenting two years of civilian bombing

Report launch | London, 24th April 2023, 17:00 GMT

On 24 April 2023, Humanity & Inclusion (HI) and its partners in the International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW) are publishing a new report: ‘Explosive Weapons Monitor 2021-2022: Two years of harm to civilians from the use of explosive weapons’. 

This is the first global report on the bombing and shelling of towns and cities. Its publication comes six months after the Dublin conference at which 83 States signed an international agreement to end the harm and suffering caused to civilians by these practices. 

Civilians are the main victims of explosive weapons 

In 2022, 50,995 people (including 32,136 civilians) were killed or injured by explosive weapons, representing an 83% increase in civilian casualties of explosive weapon use since 2021 (19,473, including 11,102 civilians). This significant increase is due to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and growing explosive weapons use in conflicts in Ethiopia, Myanmar and Somalia. 

When explosive weapons are used in populated areas, 90% of the casualties are civilians. This figure has been constant for the last 10 years. 

83 States signed a landmark international agreement in Dublin on 18th November 2022 to put an end to human suffering caused by explosive weapons in populated areas. HI will participate in different initiatives to monitor how these signatory States implement the agreement on limiting the use of explosive weapons in populated areas and will continue to lobby non-signatory states to join the political declaration. 

The long list of countries affected by explosive violence 

The report is being published against a backdrop of cities and populated areas that have become war zones, massively targeted by explosive weapons. The humanitarian consequences are enormous. Cities such as Mosul (Iraq), Raqqa (Syria), Mariupol (Ukraine) and Hodeida (Yemen), but also small villages, medium-sized urban centres - all kinds of populated areas – have been destroyed or damaged by heavy artillery in recent years, causing large-scale population displacements, killing and injuring scores of civilians and leaving behind explosive ordnance contamination that will endanger lives for years to come. This pattern of harm has become systematic in modern warfare. 

“The report from the Explosive Weapons Monitor is the first worldwide report monitoring incidents, practices and pattern of harms in the bombing and shelling of towns and cities. It provides compelling evidence of the human suffering and humanitarian disasters caused by explosive weapons in populated areas. The Monitor plans to publish it annually. It will be the monitoring regime for the international agreement against explosive weapons in populated areas.” 

George Graham, Chief Executive at Humanity & Inclusion UK 


The report is available to download here: Explosive Weapons Monitor 2021-2022 (pdf, 11Mb)

HI’s spokespeople available for interview:

  • George Graham, Chief Executive, Humanity & Inclusion UK
  • Alma Taslidžan, Disarmament & Protection of Civilians Advocacy Manager, Humanity & Inclusion

For interviews, please contact Rand Odeh, UK Media Officer on +44 (0)7535 024 895 or [email protected]

Report launch

To launch the report, HI and INEW hosted an online panel discussion on Monday 24 April at 14:30 – 16:00 GMT. Several experts in the field presented the findings and shared more information about the patterns of harm to civilians as well as discuss the recently adopted declaration on the use of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas. The panellists included: 

  • Laura Boillot (Moderator), Coordinator, International Network on Explosive Weapons 
  • Alma Taslidžan, Disarmament & Protection of Civilians Advocacy Manager, Humanity & Inclusion 
  • Chiara Torelli, Explosive Violence Researcher, Action on Armed Violence 
  • Christina Wille, Director, Insecurity Insight 
  • Katherine Young, Research & Monitoring Coordinator, Explosive Weapons Monitor.

About Humanity & Inclusion

Co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is a charity working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work tirelessly alongside disabled and vulnerable people to help meet their basic needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.


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