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The latest news and blogs about Humanity & Inclusion's work and our projects around the world.

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Philippines: HI prepares people with disabilities to cope with climate-related disasters 27/06/24

The Philippines is the world’s third most vulnerable country to climate change. People with disabilities are among the hardest hit. Humanity & Inclusion is by their side.

  • Philippines

Devastating floods are currently hitting the Philippines 06/03/24

At least 1.4 million people have been affected and more than 411,000 have been forced to flee due to massive flooding in several regions of Mindanao Island, in the south of the Philippines.

  • Philippines

Typhoon Haiyan: 10 years ago, a massive storm hit the Philippines 14/11/23

10 years ago, Typhoon Haiyan (known in the Philippines as Yolanda) claimed the lives of some 10,000 people in the country's worst-ever natural disaster.

  • Philippines

Typhoon Doksuri (EGAY) has hit the Philippines 27/07/23

The super typhoon hit the northern Philippines on Wednesday July 26, killing at least 5 people and displacing nearly 27,000. HI is currently assessing the situation.

  • Philippines

7.0-magnitude earthquake hits Philippines. HI teams assess the situation 02/08/22

After a Wednesday morning earthquake struck the Luzon region of the Philippines, Humanity & Inclusion reacted immediately to assess community needs.

  • Philippines

Philippines: HI helps survivors of Typhoon Rai rebuild their lives 17/02/22

Humanity & Inclusion teams continue to assist people affected by Super Typhoon Rai, which slammed into the Philippines on 16 December.

  • Philippines

Global Disability Summit: More support needed for grassroots organisations of persons with disabilities 10/02/22

The Global Disability Summit can be a very important lever for persons with disabilities if their voices are raised and amplified. Victor Rescober, Vice President of the Philippine Blind Union, one of Humanity & Inclusion's organisational partners, explains why it is essential to support community-based organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs).

  • Philippines

Philippines: Emergency aid to typhoon survivors 19/01/22

In Surigao, Philippines, Humanity & Inclusion distributes hygiene kits and multi-purpose cash assistance to families affected by typhoon Rai in December.

  • Philippines

Typhoon Rai: HI launches initial relief operations 23/12/21

Humanity & Inclusion is preparing to launch its emergency relief operations in the Philippines in aid of vulnerable people in the wake of the devastation caused by Typhoon Rai.

  • Philippines

HI identifies immediate needs after super typhoon RAI 21/12/21

After a devastating typhoon affected over 1 million people in the Philippines, Humanity & Inclusion sends emergency teams to determine the most urgent needs and response.

  • Philippines

Super-typhoon Rai in the Philippines: huge damages 20/12/21

Typhoon Rai caused significant material damages across the middle of the Philippines. An emergency team from Humanity & Inclusion is in one of the hardest-hit areas to identify the needs.

  • Philippines

HI is alongside victims of typhoon Rai in the Philippines 20/12/21

Humanity & Inclusion launches mission to evaluate the impact of devastating cyclone Rai on affected populations.

  • Philippines

Super Typhoon Rai: HI ready to take action 18/12/21

An exceptionally intense typhoon passed through the centre of the Philippine archipelago on Thursday. Humanity & Inclusion’s teams in the country are preparing to move into the affected areas.

  • Philippines

Inclusive employment: HI promotes the employment of young people with disabilities 08/11/21

In the Philippines and Indonesia, Humanity & Inclusion is addressing a problem that young people with disabilities face every day: unemployment or underemployment.

  • Indonesia (no longer active)
  • Philippines

Despite the COVID-19 crisis, HI continues to support disabled people 02/01/21

The COVID-19 crisis hasn’t stopped Humanity & Inclusion from providing people with disabilities with personalised follow-up.

  • Philippines