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Inclusion Works

The Inclusion Works programme is testing innovative ways to improve economic empowerment and inclusion for people with disabilities, enabling them to find employment and earn a living.

Ali, who is blind, charges phones in the shop he owns with his wife Abiba, who is also blind, in Kakuma Town, Kenya.

© Kate Holt / HI

Launched in July 2019, Inclusion Works runs in Bangladesh, Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda.

Funded by UK aid, the three-year programme will promote job opportunities and generate evidence (which will be available on Source) about how we can make it easier for people with disabilities to find formal employment.

By working closely with disabled people’s organisations, employers and national governments in each country, the programme will ensure that people with disabilities are not left out.

There are a billion people with disabilities worldwide, 800 million of whom live in low and middle income countries, yet they are under-represented in the workforce. Sightsavers, with 10 partners (including Humanity & Inclusion), is challenging this by working with private-sector employers to change attitudes and standards around disability inclusion.

When people with disabilities have access to skills training and paid work, and are economically empowered, it not only benefits them, but also their families and wider society, both economically and culturally.

Inclusive Futures logo

This programme is a part of the Inclusive Futures initiative, ensuring people with disabilities are able to represent themselves and make their own decisions.

The brand covers the Inclusion Works and Disability Inclusive Development programmes, both of which are led by Sightsavers and funded by UK aid, with Humanity & Inclusion as a partner.

global partners are working together on the programme

More than 100
employers from the private and public sector are taking part

people with disabilities will receive training

How does the programme work?

A people-first approach

Inclusion Works follows the principles and values of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). People with disabilities are at the heart of our approach, and we work closely with local partners to ensure their voices are heard and their needs are met.

Working in partnership

The programme works directly with disabled people’s organisations, non-government organisations, research institutes and employers to show how people with disabilities can be included in the workplace on an equal basis. The focus is on both private and public-sector employers.

Practical, efficient training

Inclusion Works helps to make practical changes to the way companies train and hire people with disabilities. It develops innovative ways to train people and help them find a job. All our work is underpinned by high-quality data and research, to find cost-effective, efficient approaches.

What does the programme aim to achieve?

  • To generate robust evidence (which will be open access and available on Source) of what works to enable people with disabilities to find inclusive employment
  • To develop partnerships between private, public and civil society to influence the inclusion of people with disabilities in formal employment
  • To work with 180 employers to test new UNCRPD-compliant practices
  • To offer training initiatives and internships to improve the skills of up to 2,000 people with disabilities, emphasising skills relevant to formal employment
  • To help disability movements in each country to develop their own knowledge and resources, so they can continue the work once the programme ends
  • For evidence we produce to be scaled up to workplaces and countries worldwide
  • To increase international action and investment in disability inclusion.

Project partners

The Inclusion Works project is led by Sightsavers, with 10 partners:

  • ADD International
  • BBC Media Action
  • Benetech
  • Development Initiatives
  • Humanity & Inclusion
  • Inclusion International
  • The Institute of Development Studies
  • International Disability Alliance
  • Standard Chartered
  • Youth Career Initiative
UKAid logoInclusion Works is funded through UK Aid Connect, a DFID funding initiative that awards grants to groups who create innovative solutions to complex development challenges to make real change. It demonstrates the UK government’s commitment to global leadership on inclusive development by ensuring people with disabilities are central to international development policy-making and programmes.