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Air strike destroys MSF hospital in northern Syria


A hospital supported by humanitarian organisation Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) in Marat al-Numan, 280 kilometres to the north of Damascus, was destroyed in an air strike on Monday 15th February. Seven people were killed in the attack and dozens injured.

According to Anne Héry, director of advocacy and institutional relations at Handicap International: “This is a serious violation of international humanitarian law. This latest strike on a hospital reveals a total disregard for civilian lives. Handicap International demands an immediate inquiry into the raid and is once again calling on all parties to the conflict in Syria to bring an immediate end to air strikes against civilians. We would also like to express our full support for the teams from Médecins sans Frontières.”

Ten days ago, three people were killed when another establishment run by the organisation in Tafas, southern Syria, was targeted in an air strike.  According to Médecins sans Frontières, a total of 13 health centres and hospitals in Syria have been hit in air strikes since the start of the year.

Date published: 15/02/16


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