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Fair n Square - Inclusion


Together with UNICEF, our team in Mozambique have produced this great website to raise awareness about inclusion. It includes case studies and a nifty short video!

Ilídio is 11, loves going to school and dreams of driving a car one day. It is not so long ago that the boy who now speaks two languages, could not speak at all and had only limited mobility.

Ilídio is 11, loves going to school and dreams of driving a car one day. It is not so long ago that the boy who now speaks two languages, could not speak at all and had only limited mobility. Mozambique. | © Amminadab Jean / Handicap International / Unicef

Date published: 01/06/15


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In Kenya, Kakuma's entrepreneurs with disabilities are breaking new ground
© HI
Inclusion Rights

In Kenya, Kakuma's entrepreneurs with disabilities are breaking new ground

For people with disabilities, the context is not always conducive to starting up a business. Humanity & Inclusion is working alongside people with disabilities to make the business environment more inclusive.

Helping to change perceptions on disability
© Mangafeo / HI

Helping to change perceptions on disability

Norcia is fortunate; she is thriving at school thanks to her access to inclusive education. At 17, she is also an ambassador for HI, helping to promote disability inclusion in Madagascar.

Uganda: « At last my daughter can go to school »
© Infomercial Media / HI
Inclusion Rehabilitation

Uganda: « At last my daughter can go to school »

Gina, 4 years old, lives in Uganda. She has knock-knees, which makes her daily life difficult and painful. Humanity & Inclusion has fitted her with 3D-printed knee-ankle-foot orthoses to correct the alignment.