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Lebanon: HI is supporting Ahmad, a child with disabilities


Ahmad is 10 years old. He was born with epilepsy and cerebral palsy. Humanity & Inclusion provides him with rehabilitation care and supports his inclusion in school.

Mousawat's occupational therapist helps Ahmad complete his activity.

Mousawat's occupational therapist helps Ahmad complete his activity. | © HI

Ahmad has cerebral palsy. He has difficulty performing certain daily tasks. Humanity & Inclusion (HI) helps him in his daily life. Progress is already visible.

The consequences of his disability

Ahmad has cerebral palsy. He has limited movement in his left arm and hand. He has difficulty dressing, showering, using school materials and writing.

His disability has also led to speech problems, including difficulty in spelling and pronouncing words correctly. As a result, he lacks self-confidence. He finds it difficult to make friends and is afraid to speak in public. This affects his school performance and involvement at school.

Ahmad's family

Ahmad is from a Syrian family of seven. They fled the war and found refuge Lebanon. Ahmad's father, Mohammad, was a teacher in Syria; he is strongly committed to his children's education. He now works in an electricity company in Beirut, but finds it difficult to support his family. They live in one room in a poor area of Beirut.

The project set up by HI

Ahmad is doing exercises with his occupational therapist.Ahmad is one of 144 children receiving weekly rehabilitation services at the Mousawat Centre, including psychomotor and speech therapy, psychological support and parental guidance. He has strengthened his left arm and improved his mobility. He stutters less and is more autonomous in carrying out his daily and school activities.

Ahmad is also provided with transport services and monthly cash assistance so that he can meet his basic needs, such as food, water and medicine.

After three months of rehabilitation sessions, Ahmad has started to show improvements.

"He uses his left arm more and can wash himself.”

Aisha, Ahmad's mother.

His progress at school

Today, Ahmad attends school regularly and is able to spell many words correctly, read and use all his school materials.

He is talking more and has already made two new friends at school. His family is happy and grateful to see him thrive. The therapy and educational support provided to Ahmad has helped him feel at ease in his daily activities.

"It is my dream to be able to provide education for my children, because it is the only way to ensure a better future for them.”

Mohamad, Ahmad's father

The programme

The "Inclusion in special education of children with moderate and severe disabilities" project is implemented by HI in partnership with the Mousawat Centre. The programme is funded by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief) in partnership with UNICEF.

Date published: 03/08/22


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