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Smiles behind the masks: The impact of your support in 2020

Emergency Explosive weapons Health Inclusion Prevention Rehabilitation Rights
International United Kingdom

2020 has been more challenging than anyone could have predicted. But as the year draws to a close, let's take a moment to appreciate the incredible, life-changing work that our dedicated supporters have helped us to deliver.

Tabita, 11, from South Sudan

© Quinn Neely/HI

We'd like to say a HUGE thank you to our donors, from everyone here at Humanity & Inclusion. Watch this quick video to see the impact of your support this year!


Date published: 29/12/20

Our teams have responded to some truly harrowing events this year: typhoons striking the Philippines and a hurricane in Central America, the huge, terrifying explosion that devastated the city of Beirut, and the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Yemen, which is fast becoming a full-scale famine.

And of course, just like you, we had to deal with the impact of Covid-19, both at home and in all the 61 countries we work in.

But, despite the challenges, the support we have received from our donors has been truly humbling, enabling us to provide direct, practical help to more than 3 million disabled and vulnerable people this year.

And in addition, we won two major awards for innovation for projects on 3d printing of prosthetics and using drones to locate landmines buried underground.

So we'd like to say a HUGE thank you to each and every one of our supporters, from everyone here at Humanity & Inclusion and all the people we've been able to help.

Together, let's keep up our vital work in 2021!


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© HI
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© HI
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