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The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has signed a memorandum of understanding with HI


HI and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine sign a memorandum of understanding to improve the quality of access to health services.

Ukraine's Minister of Health, Viktor Liashko (left) and HI's Ukraine Programme Director, Christian Fuchs (right) sit next to each other and sign a Memorandum of Understanding.

From left to right: Viktor Liashko, Ukraine’s Minister of Health, and Christian Fuchs, Director of the Ukraine Programme at HI. | © HI / 2023

“HI is one of our most trusted partners”

On 9 February 2023, Handicap International (HI) and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine signed a framework agreement to boost the deployment of HI’s activities in the country.

The agreement covers various projects:

  • improving access to physical rehabilitation and psychosocial support services in various Ukrainian cities such as Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipro, Chernivtsi and Vinnytsia;
  • boosting rehabilitation services for patients with severe burns;
  • the use of innovative approaches, such as 3D printing, in emergency prosthetic services in rehabilitation centres in Kyiv and Lviv, and the training of health professionals.

“Every day the war continues to ruin the lives of Ukrainians. Those who have been injured and need rehabilitation are also the most vulnerable. We can only address such major challenges with the help of the international community. HI is one of our most trusted partners. I am grateful for HI’s strong support and active involvement in the rehabilitation projects. This agreement is an important joint commitment to helping the injured return to normal life more quickly,” said Viktor Liashko, Ukraine’s Minister of Health

Nearly 7,000 rehabilitation therapy sessions have been provided

HI’s teams have been present in Ukraine for almost a year helping to improve access to health services for the population and particularly to rehabilitation and psychosocial support services.

  • HI provides training to rehabilitation teams in Ukrainian hospitals on how to fit orthopaedic devices for people with lower-limb amputations. Medical staff have also been trained in treating patients with severe burns and providing psychological support. These training courses are designed to help them improve their ability to address the needs of patients wounded in the war. In one year, HI has trained 176 Ukrainian health professionals.
  • HI has provided nearly 7,000 rehabilitation sessions to 783 people to help them regain their mobility.
  • HI has also supported 2,115 beneficiaries with psychosocial services in Ukraine. Psychosocial care has also been provided to Ukrainian health professionals so that they can continue their work with the victims of the war.

With more than 40% of the Ukrainian population in need of humanitarian aid, this framework agreement is crucial to ensuring a more effective humanitarian response.

Date published: 03/03/23


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