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West Africa: Inclusive education is first step towards full participation of children with disabilities

Benin Burkina Faso Guinea-Bissau Liberia (no longer active) Mali Niger Senegal Togo

Since 2012, Handicap International has been improving the school enrolment and attendance of 170,000 children with disabilities in nine West African countries through the “Promoting the Full Participation of Children with Disabilities in Education” (APPEHL) project. Sandra Boisseau, who coordinates APPEHL from Dakar, Senegal, explains what the organisation is doing to remove obstacles to education for these children.

Bénédicte Leguezim is visually impared. She is 12 years old and studies in 5th grade in Loma Kolide, Togo.

Bénédicte Leguezim is visually impared. She is 12 years old and studies in 5th grade in Loma Kolide, Togo. | © Studio Cabrelli / Handicap International

Date published: 13/06/16


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